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The relatedPermissionsFor method filters and retrieves permissions associated with a specific action and resource from the Guantr instance.


Use the relatedPermissionsFor method to obtain permissions that match a given action and resource key. This is useful for checking what permissions are related to specific actions on particular resources.


import { createGuantr } from 'guantr';

// Create a new Guantr instance and set permissions
const guantr = createGuantr();
  { action: 'read', resource: 'posts', condition: null, inverted: false },
  { action: 'write', resource: 'posts', condition: { title: { equals: 'Special Title' } }, inverted: false },
  { action: 'delete', resource: 'posts', condition: null, inverted: true }

// Retrieve related permissions for 'read' action on 'posts' resource
const readPermissions = guantr.relatedPermissionsFor('read', 'posts');
// Output: [{ action: 'read', resource: 'posts', condition: null, inverted: false }]

In this example:

  1. guantr.setPermissions: Sets a list of permissions on the guantr instance.
  2. guantr.relatedPermissionsFor('read', 'posts'): Retrieves all permissions related to the 'read' action on the 'posts' resource. The returned array includes permissions that match the specified action and resource.



relatedPermissionsFor<ResourceKey extends (Meta extends GuantrMeta<infer U> ? keyof U : string)>(
  action: Meta extends GuantrMeta<infer U> ? U[ResourceKey]['action'] : string,
  resource: ResourceKey
): GuantrAnyPermission[];


  • action (Meta extends GuantrMeta<infer U> ? U[ResourceKey]['action'] : string): The action to filter permissions by. If metadata is provided, it will use the action type defined in the metadata; otherwise, it defaults to a string.
  • resource (ResourceKey): The resource key to filter permissions by. It specifies the resource for which the permissions are being retrieved.


  • GuantrAnyPermission[]: An array of permissions related to the specified action and resource. Each permission object contains:
    • action (string): The action associated with the permission.
    • resource (string): The resource key associated with the permission.
    • condition (GuantrAnyCondition | null): The condition for the permission or null if no condition is specified.
    • inverted (boolean): Whether the permission is denied (true) or allowed (false).